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+ 梦芭比品牌介绍
Shandong Moonbarby Baby Products Co., LTD. is located in the southern tourist city, Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province. The company building area of more than 20000 square meters, now has a staff of more than 500 people, is a professional production of children\'s products of large enterprises. Beijing Shanghai high speed railway, Beijing Shanghai and Beijing Fu highway through the environment, transportation is very convenient.
Company since its inception, adhere to the "product quality is the best service" business philosophy, and constantly improve the quality of the products, has been formed let worry of dealers and customers at ease, happy baby product quality impression.
Company to product innovation as the core competitiveness of enterprises, from the creation began with independent research and development of new products win market and customers, every year the introduction of competitive new products according to the market demand of users. With the development of the company continue to increase investment in capital investment and talent to the development of new products, products from single to a series of, from at the time of the establishment of the bicycle seat a product development to now the seat, awning, strollers, children umbrella vehicle, seat for children, children project car, children learn to walk car baby supplies series.
In 2014, the company invested 40 million new R & D center, baby stroller test center and production base put into operation, will usher in the company\'s new development stage, the development of Moonbarby will enter the fast lane, moving forward at high speed in the dream Barbie look forward to cooperation with you! [详细]
品   牌 梦芭比
特  色 安全便捷,环保舒适
模  式 加盟,代理,批发
主  营 手推车,背带,坐便器
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