公 司 简 介
先进的设备支持是优秀品质的保证。 我公司工厂位于石家庄高薪产业园区的卓达服装产业园内,环境优良,设施齐全。引进日本先进的重机专业设备和十二条完整的流水线,拥有管理完善,经日本检品中心外籍专家专门培训的四条检整流水线,并对出口产品进行100%的检验,提供断针报告和验针记录,为严把质量关提供了有力的保证。目前,我公司年生产能力达到100万件(套),与众多的国际知名厂商有着密切且稳固的合作关系。长期承接日本和欧美的订单,我们对日本及欧美客商的质量要求非常熟悉和了解。生产成品80%销往日本,20%销往欧美。
经过几年的创新发展,华元公司全体同仁以强烈的品牌责任感和社会使命感,以科学健康为主题开发出“咔嘟嘟——Candodo Club”人性化环保童装系列。该系列由国内、国外资深设计师联手设计,结合了国际童装流行元素,其设计风格独特、简约自然,以人为本、工艺精良、安全时尚,成功地创造了具有国际领先水平的人性化、环保童装,已成为河北省知名童装品牌。

会 社 情 報

Company Profile
Shi Jiazhuang HuaYuan Garment Co.,Ltd is a large-scale joint venture company ,synthesizing with research, design, manufacture, and export. After steady steps development ,our company have had the stronge economic infrastructure and formidable productivity, established our own Enterprise culture and management idea, and had the outstanding designers、managers、technatist team.
Now our company has been equipped by advanced equipments, which are supplying a full guarantee for the high quality. Our factory , located in ZhuoDa Garnment and industry garden of shijiazhuang,introduce advanced mechanical equipment 、twelve professional integrity working line and four examine working line which can offer record about breakage neddle and examine needle. All of these above can provide a guarantee for quality control. By high regard to quality, our products are widely sold and well received by more and more customers and businessmen overseas,and we establish solid cooperation with most interintional famous manufacturers. Now,with an annual output of 100 million garments ,we are familiar with Japan、Europe and the U.S. businessmen’s Quality Requirements. Most orders of us are from Japan、Europe and the U.S. and 80% of production are sold to Japan, 20% to Europe and the United States.
After many years’ hard work by HuaYuan Staff, with the intensive sense of responsibility ,We have reseash and develop the brand of “candodo club”, the environmental protectional series Children's clothing. The series ,desiged by home and foreign experience designers , has already have the international fashion elements and catch the advanced level of international.Now “candodo club”has already been the famous brand of Province .
In order to the prosperity of tomorrow, we do our best today. Taking “Customer first, integrity-based, innovative, dedicated loyalty “ as our Enterprise,s belief, we will always take prefect technical、advanced equipment 、strict management and satisfactory after-sales service as our target .It is the unremitting efforts that we take as weapons battle for tomorrow!


联 系 人:市场部联系电话:0311-85366138

官方网站:http://www.candodo.com地  址:石家庄市中华北大街50号
