葛莱 - GRACO是长和嘉兰进出口(北京)有限公司旗下的著名品牌之一,从1942年至今,Graco拥有超过60年的婴儿用品发展经验;是美国婴儿用品市场的领导者,是最主要的汽车安全座椅品牌、每年超过3,000,000台的汽车安全座椅行销全球,是单台推车和四合一推车的第一品牌,在儿童用品的各个品项中称霸群雄,是安全、好品质的儿童用品代表。
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长和嘉兰进出口(北京)有限公司成立于2006年,公司注册资金为300万人民币,总部设在北京,是由国家商务部批准成立的具有自主进出口经营权、零售百货经营权、货物进出口运输、仓储管理资质的综合性贸易公司。2009年,公司在美国加州洛杉矶市设立办事处(LORCHID INC.)负责美国相关业务的联系事宜。公司由产品销售部、贸易发展部、综合职能部等部门组成,每一个部门均由拥有10年以上业务经验的执行总监领导。
长和嘉兰(北京)进出口有限公司销售产品部是经国家工商部门批准注册的经营欧洲进口,安全座椅,手推车、C APELLA安全座椅韩国进口、BESAFE安全座椅,挪威进口、FAIR意大利安全座椅、RECARODE德国安全座椅的私营有限责任公司,长和嘉兰(北京)进出口有限公司销售产品部具备欧洲进口,安全座椅,手推车、C APELLA安全座椅韩国进口、BESAFE安全座椅,挪威进口、FAIR意大利安全座椅、RECARODE德国安全座椅的招商代理资格。
Lorchid Import & Export Ltd.,founded in 2006 and located in Beijing,P.R. China,is a full-service provider that provides foreign companies with reliable,affordable and sustainable solutions to help them operate on the Chinese market.
Lorchid operates in 3 main business divisions that are closely linked to each other.
• The Logistics division is specialized in freight forwarding,customs clearance and warehousing,serving clients from all over the world. During the years of operation,Lorchid not only gained a great amount of experience and build up healthy relationships with local custom institutions,but also established a network of reliable partners with which we can provide services all over China.
• Lorchid's Distribution unit is focused on providing our customers with the most suitable sales channels. Whether traditional retail stores or online stores,Lorchid can evaluate the best solution for you and help you with the execution. From your products the warehouses to the doors of the customers,Lorchid's years of experience result in a reliable and knowledgeable partner for your business.
• Finally,the Business Services unit offers a broad range of services to Lorchid's clients. Ranging from Market Research,Trademark and CCC,China Compulsory Certification,registration,to sourcing,the range of services makes sure your business operations become a success in dynamic Chinese markets.
The close interaction of all business units at Lorchid in combination with our long experience,diversified skills and international staff makes your business operations in China as easy as possible,no matter an if already established or a new business. Our globalized and customer centric business orientation will save you a lot of hassle from the very beginning.
Lorchid can truly be called a Full-Service Provider that cares about your success.