晟麦 > 晟麦品牌介绍

+ 晟麦品牌介绍
  行走,让晟麦看见世界;学习,让世界看见晟麦。晟麦高级食用油采集世界各地最好种子,运用科学、先进的植物油榨取技术,让国人安于大室之隅的同时,味遇世界。晟麦遵循日照、水分、空气、密度等科学指标,严苛种植、选种流程,萃取第一道植物油精华,确保每一滴油都保存了种子的天然营养, 润于口,养于心。
品   牌 晟麦
起源地 辽宁
特  色 安全 天然 健康 营养
模  式 加盟,经销,代理
主  营 孕婴童食用油/有机亚麻籽油/有机核桃油/橄榄油/小麦胚芽油

    Sanmark Limited was established in 1996 to develop, manufacture, and market natural bioactive lipid ingredients that benefit health and promote well being in people’s lives. We specialize in natural nutritional oils and concentrated specialty lipids rich in omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids such as alpha-linolenic acid (ALA, omega-3) and gamma-linolenic acid (GLA, omega-6).

    Our high quality and reasonable prices have enabled Sanmark to grow from a small company doing business primarily in Asia to an international supplier of specialty lipids and nutritional oils.

    Sanmark is dedicated to serving customers by delivering products developed to the highest quality standards and based on the latest scientific research and manufacturing technology. The Sanmark team is steadfast in becoming an industry leader by adhering to impeccable standards of quality, service, and integrity in all business relationships. We at Sanmark understand that our customers' success is entrusted to us every time we provide a product or service.

    Whether your business is nutritional supplements, foods or cosmetics, Sanmark manufactures and supplies oils and fatty acids to meet your product needs.
