安徽博朗凯德织物有限公司,位于安徽宣城郎溪工业园,占地100亩。建筑面积3万平方。专业生产汽车面料,婴童面料,为国内外汽车和婴童用品公司提供优质的服务。公司从产品设计开发、织造、后整理、海绵复合、裁剪、缝纫等。产业链完整。面料种类齐全。有机织(平布、提花)、纬编(绒布、素色、单双面提花)、经编等。年产能800万米,产品性价比高。Since 2005, Brocade has been a major supplier and trusted manufacturer of high quality technical fabrics for the Automotive, Infant Safety Mobility, Transportation, Awning & Outdoor, Contract & Hospitality, and Marine industries.Brocade, with an area of about 6.7 hectares, manufactures all their products at their 30,000 m2 plant in Langxi Industry Park, Anhui, China. With in-house design studio at their headquarters in Changzhou, and a complete manufacturing chain of production in Langxi with the facilities of weaving, knitting, finishing, flame & adhesive lamination of various fabrics or vinyl to foam, cutting & sewing, we complete all above stages of production process within the company that enables us to offer stable quality products and efficient lead times.