湖北小太阳儿童用品有限公司坐落于脉旺镇汉江之滨,是孝感市“十佳”明星企业之一。 公司成立于1998年,注册资金1500万元,现有员工380余人,其中大、中专以上学历80余人,专业技术人员40余人,拥有先进的流水生产线和各种专、通用设备500余台/套,主要生产婴儿推车,童床等儿童用品系列,年生产能力可达60万台。 公司十分注重人才的开发,以“顾客的需求”为宗旨,走“以人为本,科学策划,精细管理”的新路子,聘用了高素质的管理人员和技术骨干,产品质量稳中求升,稳中求新,极大的满足客户的要求,收到消费者的好评。公司产品从2002年起主要销往中东、东欧、中南美、东南亚等三十多个国家和地区,连续多年在同行业内处以领先地位,年年被评为“外贸出口先进企业”,“纳税先进单位”,“红旗单位”。2007年,经过国家认证中心对公司产品进行质量检测后,通过了ISO 9001:2000质量认证体系,同年又取得了“CCC”认证的证书。 近几年来,公司狠抓内部管理,不断更新产品结构,在国内外享有很高的声誉,现在成为中南地区生产销售童车系列产品的龙头企业。 Hubei Little Sun Baby Products Co.,Ltd was first founded in 1998,it mainly produces children series products such as baby stroller and multifunction baby beds.The company covers an area of 20000 square and it has over 300 workers.Its products are highly valued by the businessmen at home and abroad.The company is more than twice evaluated as high prestige enterprise in Hubei province and Xiaogan city. The company owns modern imported chain production line and enjoys excellent manages and technician,It adopts advanced technique,new craft and fresh material.All the time it insists on making qualified,safety and reliable products.During the course of production,the high technicians take part in the management and control of the links in the production chain so that the products can satisfy the businessmens demand on quality,price,service and delivery. The company sticks to the aim the customer first,the quality first and also sticks to the principle of honest cooperation.We sincerely invite the businessmen at home and abroad to invest here and develop together.