"PharmaCare Laboratories is ranked among the top 3 natural health companies in Australia. Nature's Way Kids Smart is Australia's number 1 children's supplement brand; Kids Smart is a serious supplement brand for children and is trusted by Australian Mothers to look after the growing health needs of their children. It is on the forefront of product development and innovation, and is the gold standard brand for children's development. 澳葆是澳大利亚排名前三的健康营养品公司,公司旗下的绿之华-佳思敏是澳大利亚第一儿童营养品牌,凭借着澳洲得天独厚的纯净优势,这个安全、认真的品牌一直秉承着严格的生产标准和创新精神,深受澳洲妈妈信赖,照顾并帮助孩子健康成长。"